Petitioners who registered their beneficiaries for the FY2024 H-1B CAP Lottery before March 31st, 2023 will be considered again for the second round of lottery picks. USCIS recently announced that they would select additional registrations to reach the FY 2024 numerical allocations. Soon, USCIS will select additional registrations between 20,000 and 25,000 to be allocated in the first few weeks of August, from previously submitted electronic registrations using a random selection process. They will announce once the second selection process is completed and will notify all prospective petitioners with selected registrations that they are eligible to file an H-1B cap-subject petition for the beneficiary named in the applicable selected registration. The Petitioners are requested to check their My USCIS account for updates regarding their Registrants.
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USCIS conducts Second Random Selection from Previously Submitted FY 2024 H-1B CAP